Thursday, January 29, 2009

Traffic for your Blog/Site

Every website needs traffic and needs content. It is possible to build the site and getting both, cheaply and easily. Often though be aware that traffic doesn't just pop up, you need to work at it, or you need to invest in it. To help you develop this, I am going to discuss some ideas with you that are reasonable and with in anyone's starting budget.

First, evaluate the goals of your site. If you are looking for great conversions on a small budget, then it will take a great deal of time to find the most effective choices and make them work for you. However, if you start by writing an article a day about the niche your blog/website is targeting you will be able to begin to drive traffic through Article Marketing. This process requires each article you write in your niche to be posted to an article directory, or to numerous article directories. Examples of these are and Both are very good for getting some traffic to your website.

Another choice is to hire a site reviewer to write about your services, products or website. This will drive traffic as word of mouth is the best most targeted service you can look for. To do this you would want to examine your options and find a place with a fair price, such as There you are able to find a reviewer with a website in your niche that can blog on the benefits of what you are offering. It is a great way to find something in your budget.

Another method would be to create a completely separate blog and rss feed the information from your article marketing efforts to the blog. From there you would chose to use several forms of social bookmarking such as stumble, digg, furl, ect to make the blog more popular.

Now, these are only a few ideas but not the only ones you can concider. Be aware, these are the most reasonable for any budget.

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